Monday, May 19, 2014

In Class Graph Analyzation

         From the years 1995-2008 data was collected to compare the increase/decrease of Anti-Islamic hate crime incidents. Between the years 1995-2000, incidents were at its all time low. However, in the year 2001, Anti-Islamic hate crime was at its all time high. Because of 9/11 it made people hate Islamic people even more than they ever have in the past years. People believed that they were terrible people and they all had something to do with it. Innocent people were harmed because of ignorance. All because a person is Islam doesn't automatically make them a terrorist but some people didn't see it that way.  I do question the graph as to which i am getting the data from  due to the fact that it doesn't clearly state whether or not the numbers that are given are for hate crimes in thousands or just simply in hundreds. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

In class Zeitoun blog

         From reading the book Zeitoun, i was able to create a keyword from the text and my keyword was islamophobia. Islamophobia is a fear or hatred against Muslims or Islamic people. The fear is stronger especially when in a political force. Islamophobia plays a very important role in the book Zeitoun because there is a lot of hatred towards all Islamic people and discrimination towards their kind. Others who aren't Islamic/Muslim treat those who are as if they don't belong. Zeitoun was an Islamic/Muslim man who was trying to save the people that didn't evacuate New Orleans when the hurricane had hit. As the days go by Zeitoun was able to rescue those who needed it much faster than the military was able to. Zeitoun was living in a house with all the survivors when suddenly a knock on the door was heard and come to there surprise, military men were standing in the front door forcing all the men that were residing in the household to go into the boat. Zeitoun was calm, cool and collected. All he asked was for one moment to go back into the house to get a piece of paper that had a number on it. "He moved toward the house, smiling politely. It was everything, that number. The piece of paper was fifteen feet away. NO! the soldier yelled. He grabbed the back of Zeitoun's shirt, turned him around, and shoved him onto the boat" (206)
          I feel as if the military treated them so carelessly due to the fact that they realized Zeitoun did a better job than they did and as people who are suppose to serve and protect the people they did the complete opposite. The people who found Zeitoun would be considered islamophobes because their title was being put down and their title was at stake because an Islamic man who is not considered to be part of any kind of military alliance was acting as a way that they would have been and they would find it embarrassing to say that an Islamic man was able to save all these people just in time.

Monday, May 5, 2014


   In class we are currently reading a book called Zeitoun, and we all discussed different passages. In the passage that I had read about, there was a huge controversy between Zeitoun and his wife Kathy, which was circled around the question of why he would stay(50-51). A category 5 hurricane was about to hit New Orleans and they called for an evacuation throughout New Orleans. Kathy was all with it for evacuating and leaving as long as her children were going to be safe and she would as well. However, Zeitoun's decision is what cause the fight. Zeitoun decided he wanted to stay and he didn't want to evacuate. Kathy tried everything she could in order to get Zeitoun  to leave New Orleans so nothing harmful can happen to them. Kathy finally knew the answer as to why Zeitoun would  rather stay instead of fleeing. Kathy knew that because of the business that Zeitoun had run "they would be liable for damage if their equipment caused harm to clients' property. It was yet another hazard of the business they had built" ( 50). I understand Zeitouns reasoning behind him not wanting to leave mainly because sometimes there are way too many liabilities at stake if he were to abandon his business. He would be the one who would have to pay large amount of money for a large amount of damage that occurred if he decided to be absent from the scene.