Monday, March 24, 2014

Peer Reviews

I received feedback of my first draft from Tanya and Allen and from their comments they liked the questions I did ask in my paper and the voice that I had. However, it was mentioned that I need to develop my thesis and give more examples. I also was told to give direct quotes and to use more references towards the book. The steps that I would take in order to revise my paper is, im going to work on my thesis as well as using the book more often in my paper. 
 The only concern that I have is finishing the paper on time because of my busy work schedule and writing it in a way where i can use a regular voice and also keeping it proffesional. What i do need from class is assitance in writing out a clear thesis. The type of help that i will probable use is abusing office ours whenever i have the time to. 

Quote Sandwhich: New York Times

     New York is not prepared for climate change due to the fact that we weren't even prepared for Hurricane Sandy. If New York was really prepared we wouldn't have huge destruction in New York and we wouldn't be struggling to find money to fix the devastating events that occurred. Accurate preparation would have been proof to the people of New York that we are safe from any kind of disaster such as Hurricane Sandy. 
     In the article Douglas Hill mentions that we do "lack a sense of urgency about this" (Navarro). And i completely agree with this statement for the fact that instead of ignoring the possibilities of natural disasters, city officials should have been more open minded so in that way they would have been able to prep for anything and everything. New York is "moving too slowly to address the potential for flooding that could paralyze transportation, cripple the low-lying financial district and temporarily drive hundreds of thousands of people from their homes" (Navarro). 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Climate Casino Graphs

Hi my name is Tiffany Collazo and my purpose for this blog is to further explain the graph that is shown above. In English 101 we are discussing the effects of climate change as well as what causes it. In doing so we are reading a book called “The Climate Casino” by William D. Nordhaus. The graph that you see before you is pulled from the book. 
In Figure 2 which can be found on page 21 of the book "The Climate Casino" the graph shows the global emissions and the trend between the years of 1900-2010. Throughout the years you are able to tel that the amount of CO2 emissions as well as the trend has increased drastically. Between the years of 1900-1945 you are able to see that the global emissions did have its downfall as well as its uprise. However in the year 1960 the amount of emission never had a downfall. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Steps For The Day

     Recently in class we discussed few pages in the book "The Climate Casino". So far the passage that I found most interesting is the passage where they discuss what actions should be taken in order to possibly fix climate change around the world. The step that interested me the most is the point where they discuss increasing prices of carbon dioxide and it being not only a national agreement but on a global agreement. Even though the rise of prices will cause controversy worldwide, it can also help the people of the world have a longer existence. 
     People all throughout the world have an attitude towards the idea of global warming and refuse to even really listen and pay close attention to what is really going on. Life isnt full rainbows, everything cant always be simple. Global warming is a serious matter that needs to be addressed and if this step actually goes into effect and all actions are done than we are one step closer to actually solving the climate change problem. Humans are all selfish and no one can say that they aren't because they are. We all need to step out of our selfish bubble and start to actually care what is going on in the world.